How important is self-control in your day-to-day life?

Self-control is the ability to regulate and alter your responses in order to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long-term goals.

Researchers have found that people who have better self-control tend to be healthier and happier, both in the short term and in the long term, not only for themselves but also within family units, relationships and the dynamics of any interaction with others…finding that ability to manage self-control makes you happy, so ‘others’ have less influence and impact that can make you feel unhappy.

When you have control of self, you are able to achieve consistency in your life.

Here are just a few take-aways to start you on your journey of peace and harmony:

  1. Focusing your attention on those elements in your life that make a difference and choosing to ignore or omit that information that does not serve you
  2. Doing something without the need for extra effort of strain
  3. Accomplishing positive outcomes consistently
  4. The ability to see another perspective – seeing another point of view through the lens of curiosity rather than trying to control the situation
  5. An intimate understanding of self, why and how you do things and being able to see the bigger picture
  6. Knowing who you are in any given moment and being able to understand how your state of emotions affects yourself and other people
  7. Being comfortable and at ease in any social situation when building rapport and communicating
  8. Being fluid and flexible in any situation with a positive mindset
  9. Being free of fear and judgement
  10. Being happy with yourself and being kind to yourself

Do any of the above resonate? Want to find out more about 'you' and be the best version of yourself? Let's have a chat and help you keep it real.



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