It's a dogs life! How we can learn from animals the meaning of self-care?

At times, we may feel like our cup is full, we are tired, run down or just exhausted.

If we consider those feelings and how often we do acknowledge them, the reality is we don't truly listen to what our bodies are telling us.

Animals on the other hand, will drop where they are when they have had enough and need to go into recharge mode (for a short or brief period) to then be re-energized and get back into their fun day.

Look at our therapy dog Tilly - she has just returned from a day of puppy daycare (yes, there is such a thing!) and quite literally, dropped where she came to rest...exhausted and spent after a day of frivolity and fun.

Have you ever thought of taking 10 or 15 minutes out of your busy day, just when you feel overwhelmed, tired or just over it, and lay down, closed your eyes and rebooted your system?

Perhaps not such a bad idea. If we consider how many things we do when we need to switch off, it tends to involve more 'stuff', like talking on the phone, reading your Facebook or Instagram page for example. All these efforts require you to 'stay tuned in' and don't offer your CPU (by that I mean, your brain and your nervous system) to wind down, take a break and have a chance to recharge.

Why not have a go at trying to 'reboot' your system?

Take just a quick break...only 10 minutes, just after or during lunch, find a quiet sport and close your don't need to sleep, just switch off.

What do you have to lose?

It may be the most beneficial 10 minutes you can give yourself.

Now, off for my 10 minutes!

See you on the other side!

Need a recharge? Let's chat.


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